Support Us

Support Us

At the Fix Up Academy, we believe that sustainable positive change for young people in our communities cannot be achieved in isolation. We need your support to enable them to truly achieve their potential. Here’s how you can help:

1. Referral agencies: If you work with young people who could benefit from our programs, reach out to us. We can guide them towards potential careers and help them overcome barriers. Let’s chat and make a difference together.

2. Health, local authority, and like-minded organizations: We are open to collaborations with organizations that share our vision. By working together, we can provide employment courses, enrichment activities, and expert advice to improve the physical and mental well-being of young people. Contact us to explore partnership opportunities.

3. Potential funders: Investing in the Fix Up Academy means investing in a brighter and safer community. By supporting us, you fulfill your corporate social responsibility and leave a lasting legacy. Learn more about our work and courses on our website and let’s discuss how you can back positive social change.

4. Benefits in Kind: It’s not always about money. Vital equipment, such as personal protective equipment or barber’s tools, can make a significant difference in a young person’s life. If you have something to offer, whether it’s related to sports, arts, media, or culture, don’t hesitate to reach out.

5. Volunteering: Make a real impact on someone’s life by volunteering with us. Whether you bring your business acumen, public life experience, or successful career, your mentorship can be invaluable. Contact us to explore volunteering opportunities.

6. Faith groups: Our work is rooted in principles that align with many religions, cultures, and philosophies. If you are part of a faith group and want to support our mission, please reach out.

7. A word of encouragement: Sometimes, all it takes is a pat on the back or a recommendation to show someone that you care. Please share our upcoming case histories on social media and spread the word about the Fix Up Academy to your family, friends, and business contacts.

Together, we can create a brighter future for young people facing disadvantage. Your support can make a real difference in their lives. Contact us today to get involved and be a part of positive change.